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Looter Trade Bot

LOOTER : A Telegram Trade Bot Sniping Waves On The Block

  • Post last modified:3 April 2024

In the dynamic universe of cryptocurrency trading, speed, versatility, and control a trade bot gives you are not just luxuries; they are necessities. Enter Looter, the ultimate multi-chain purchasing tool and listing sniper crafted for the modern trader. With comprehensive Wallet Control and robust Trade Features, Looter is engineered to provide a trading experience that’s both nimble and intuitive.

Whether you’re navigating the complex terrain of Ethereum, the fast-evolving landscape of Base, the intricate networks of Arb and Blast, or the burgeoning ecosystems of Solana, Avalanche, and Fantom, Looter is your ally. It offers an array of sophisticated trade bot features such as Lightning Fast Limit Orders, seamless Market Orders, and a razor-sharp Listing Sniper that keeps you a step ahead across multiple chains.

Ready to elevate your trading game to the next echelon? With Looter trade bot, the power is in your hands. Try it for yourself and experience the cutting-edge capabilities of a tool that redefines the boundaries of digital asset trading.

Looter Trade Bot Key Features

Looter trade bot is an advanced trading tool designed to empower users with a suite of features that cater to different aspects of trading on various blockchains. Here’s a breakdown of its key features:


  • Buy: Users can execute purchase orders at current market prices or at predefined conditions, ensuring they get the assets they want when they want them.
  • Snipe: The sniping feature allows traders to automatically purchase new tokens as soon as they are listed on an exchange, giving them the potential to buy in at the very start of a token’s market life.
  • Sell: Looter provides mechanisms to quickly sell assets, either in response to market conditions or at certain profit targets, which is essential in securing gains and managing risks.

Limit Orders

  • Predefined Prices: Unlike market orders, limit orders allow traders to specify the price at which they want to buy or sell an asset.
  • Automation: Looter trade bot monitors the market for when these target prices are hit and executes the orders automatically, eliminating the need for constant market surveillance.

Wallet Monitoring

  • Track Holdings: Wallet monitoring provides users with real-time insights into their wallet’s holdings, transaction history, and asset distribution.
  • Security Alerts: It can alert users to suspicious activities, such as unexpected transactions, enhancing the security of their digital assets.
  • Portfolio Management: This feature helps users manage their investment portfolios more effectively by keeping them informed about their asset performance and valuation.


  • Cross-Chain Transfers: Looter’s trade bot bridging feature allows users to transfer assets between different blockchains, such as from Ethereum to Solana or Avalanche.
  • Broad Access: By enabling movement across chains, users can take advantage of diverse ecosystems and the unique opportunities they offer.
  • Liquidity Optimization: Bridging facilitates better liquidity management by allowing users to move assets to where they are most needed.

Revenue Share

  • By holding the $Looter token, holders gain access to 40% of the project’s revenue, distributed equally dependent on your held amount of tokens.
  • Further incentives include unique burn mechanics for various tool upgrades, however the base mechanics of our tools will always be accessible to everyone. The more useful, sought after and exciting upgrades we can create, the more tokens are burned by users.

By incorporating these features, Looter trade bot equips traders with a powerful tool that enhances their trading efficiency, provides more control over their investments, and ultimately aims to increase their potential for profit within the crypto trading space.

Benefits Of Telegram Trade Bot Apps

Utilizing a Telegram trade bot like Looter brings forth a compelling blend of convenience and speed, two essential attributes in the fast-paced realm of cryptocurrency trading. Here’s how these benefits manifest:


  • All-in-One Interface: Looter trade bot integrates a range of trading tools and features into the familiar Telegram environment, streamlining the trading process by centralizing various actions into one accessible location.
  • Ease of Setup: Getting started with Looter is straightforward. Through Telegram, users can quickly set up and begin trading without navigating complex exchange interfaces.
  • Instant Notifications: Through Telegram, Looter trade bot can send immediate alerts on market movements, trade executions, or any other significant events, ensuring users stay informed no matter where they are.


  • Rapid Execution: Looter processes and executes trades with impressive speed, capitalizing on the fast transaction times of the blockchains it supports. This rapid execution is crucial for taking advantage of narrow trading windows and volatile market conditions.
  • Automated Strategies: With features like sniping, Looter acts the moment a new token is listed, allowing users to enter at the ground floor of trading opportunities.
  • Real-Time Updates: The bot’s ability to monitor and react to the market in real-time means that users can execute strategies that rely on immediate market conditions without delay.

In essence, a Telegram trade bot like Looter is designed to make trading as efficient and user-friendly as possible. The trade bot capabilities allow users to engage with the market effectively, responding quickly to opportunities and managing their portfolios with ease—all within the chat interface they already use daily.






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